We held our Black Square end-of-year party a little early this year, as we were afraid if we left it too late the youngest member of our team might make an early appearance. Our supremely capable office manager, Clare, has now gone on maternity leave, and we all eagerly await the arrival of Leila Marais in mid-December. In the meantime, a few pics of the Black Square team taking a chilled Friday afternoon at Moyo, Ushaka. Somebody had to actually take the photos, so Gareth remains anonymous.

Clare is, of course, very cool. We have to say this, because she is pregnant and can be a little moody, but she really is cool.
Heita .. looking at the 🙂 faces, must have been a great afternoon – #moyo (www.moyo.co.za – twitter: @moyosa – facebook: moyosa)