Project Updates – February 2010

February has seen us investing a bit more time in reworking our CMS and setting up a schedule for creating blog posts (unfortunately there’s no way around actually writing regular blog posts other than scheduling them in…). We’ve been doing a lot more research on using Email newsletters – oh, and we went live with a new website.

New Website! – This Other Eden

Earlier this year we went live with a site for a family & kids photographer, This Other Eden. It’s a great little site that is helping the new photography business get off the ground.

Advert Management System

Many of our clients want to monetise their websites by selling advertising space. We developed a powerful, simple-to-use, site-wide Advert Management System in response to this.

New website! – Africa Ignite

It’s always great to go live with a new website – it’s our stock in trade. We’ve launched a new site for Africa Ignite –

Search Engine Optimisation: Only half the picture

SEO is vitally important when it comes to building a website. Google drives a lot of traffic through the internet, so it’s important that a website gets found on Google. But that’s only half the picture…

Embedding YouTube & Vimeo

We’re developing an new CMS editor that sorts this out, allowing you to overwrite the width & height values in the YouTube embed code.

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Flash Maps

If a business has a number of branches or stores around the country, we’ll often think of using Flash to show the spread of those stores and to link to store details. Now Flash can be good, but it can also irritate website visitors no end, so it’s a good idea to give a quick a run-down of the thinking that goes into using Flash to show store locations.

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Black Square website – LIVE!

As a website development company, we naturally took a while to get our own website up – mainly thanks to our great clients keeping us busy. Want to find out how much a website costs? Or when to put time & effort into SEO? Or maybe just take a look at our rather great looking […]

New website for ECS

We have launched a new website for ECS – Energy and Combustion Services.

New Trellidor Website

We’ve just completed a new website for Trellidor, the leading security gate producer.